October 31, 2003

Bala Vikasa

Bala Vikasa
Here in Warangal we are staying in a people development centre Bala Vikasa. Their moto is: Investing in Peeople!
We are having a wonderful time interacting with about 100 local covenant community leaders. We are hearing some very good reports of what God is doing in Andra Pradesh and we are having a good time of fellowship in the presence of the Lord.
Yesterday we were taken for a special treat as a local business man invited us to his cake factory. He is producing 800000 cakes every day! It was a amzing to se his factory and some of the machines that he had developed himself according to a vision given him by the Lord! A few years back he was as good as bankerupt but today his business is flourishing! God has been blessing him and his wife in a wonderful way. Now they are having big crusades all over India gathering more than 10000 people in one meeting. In his factory he is conducted a monthly prayer meeting and about 10000 people turn up each time! It is wonderful to see God raising up people like that!
God is so good!

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