November 22, 2002

Teaching time at the Covenant School of Ministries is over
After three sessions this morning my teaching assignment at the Covenant School of Ministries has been fulfilled. It has really been a fulfilling time for me to be with these wonderful students. They are totally committed to the Lord and to his kingdom. I have been encouraged and blessed by fellowshipping with them and by their prayers and concern for me and my health. After the last session today they all gathered around me and prayed for me, blessing me in the name of the Lord and prophesying to me. It is my prayer as well that I have been able to leave with them a deposit of the Spirit that will equip them to serve the purpose of God in their generation.
In one of the breaks today I was able to show them how to blog and help them started. Their common blog is to be found at:
To morrow morning I am going home to my wonderful wife and I will spend most of my time the rest of this year in writing my new book.

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