People were created to represent the Kingdom of God
When God created mankind he said:
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:26-27)
In the record of the creational work we discover that the three persons in God never do anything alone. They never act on their own, separated from one another! Because the sovereign God is a community of love, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit always work together. The Divine Way is to take counsel together and reach a united decision: �Let us make! Let us act together!� Sinful human beings have the tendency to say: �I want to do this for this is best for me!� And wilful people often act as dictators forcing their personal will and opinion on others without any thoughts of what the others wants. The triune God is not like that and his rule is never expressed in such a way!
God created people in his own relational image to be a community. We were created in the likeness of God to reflect his glory by being masters of all life, by multiplying and filling the earth, and by subduing it to the dominion of God. In this way people were created to represent the rule of God and to fill the entire earth with the glory of God expressed in his kingdom. God has always existed as three in one and one in three, - a community of love. This community of love he wanted this to be expressed among people created in his own image! Family, community, and friendship originate in the covenantal nature of God and can only find their fulfilment in the Kingdom of God. The Bible tells us that at the end God will be all in all � utterly supreme over everything everywhere � in the consummation of human community as he is dwelling among his people! Everything originates in the triune God and the goal of history is the kingdom community.
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