April 14, 2003

Introduction to my new book

Introduction to my new book!
I am almost finished writing my new book on the Kingdom of God. Seven chapters have been written and I only need to add some questions for group discussions and some exercises for personal use. I plan to be able to present the whole book on my new web pages which I am working on at the moment. Watch out for some news of an exciting development!

The Kingdom of God is! It is the very heart of our universe! The Kingdom of God is! That is the central message of Jesus Christ and his followers. The message of the Kingdom is presented to us in many dynamic statements beginning with �the Kingdom of God is� or �the Kingdom of God is not�. In this book we are going to explore these potent statements of the Bible.
The Kingdom of God is! That is the good news in a world of competing ideologies. The Kingdom of God is not an ideology; it is the ultimate reality!
The Kingdom of God is! That very message brings hope to those who are seeking for meaning and purpose of life.
The Kingdom of God is! In a world where everything is uncertain the message of the Kingdom provides the unshakable foundation for an exciting life of exploration of its mysteries.
The Kingdom of God is! It is not tied to the past or locked into a distant future. It is the ever present and expanding presence of the saving grace of God manifesting itself in people and communities.
The Kingdom of God is! Join me in exploring some of its mysteries! The Kingdom of God is too vast to be explained in a book like the one you are holding in your hand now. Nevertheless I invite you to join me in my journey into the Kingdom of God. Together we will go back to the very beginning and from there try to grasp the ultimate end, which of cause is beyond comprehension! However, I am convinced that we will find some glimpses of light as we pursue the Kingdom of God and his righteousness together. If you take time to meditate and work through the questions and exercises at the end of each chapter you will benefit more and discover new insight for yourself.

Response - feedback!
I would appreciate your comments on this introduction. Did it give you a desire to read the book? Did it make you not interested in getting a sample of the book? Or du you have any suggestion?

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