March 17, 2003


Friday I was able to fully finish the chapter I nearly finished on Thursday. It took more time and effort than I expected! When I tried to connect to Internet I had problems! Therefore I have not been able to write my blog for the weekend. Even today I had problem in getting connected but eventually I was able to walk around the problem. Now I am connected to the world again!
Sometimes our "computer" send us the wrong message telling us that things are not possible but if we don't give up but continue to seek for a way around the problem we will usually succeed.
We are not meant to be cut off and left on our own. We are created to be connected to one another and to God. A well known mobile phone producer is claiming to be in the business of connecting people. The covenant community is in the real business of connecting people. We are helping people to be connected with their Creator and his grand plan for their life. Through this main connection we will be able to connect with other people in a very meaningful way across barriers of age, gender, race, cast, and culture!

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