August 18, 2003

God doesn't lose his temper

God doesn't lose his temper
I have been reading the prophet Nahum today. What a powerful presentation he gives us of the Almighty!
When Nahum delivered his prophetic words to the people of Israel, Assyria with its capital Nineveh, appeared to be invincible. A world free of Assyrian domination was unimaginable. The prophetic task of Nahum was to make it imaginable, - to free the people of God from Assyrian paralysis. Free them from unbelief to believe in and pray to a sovereign God. Through his preaching, his Spirit-born metaphor's, his God-shaped syntax, he knocked Assyria off her high horse, and enabled the people of God to understand what was really going on!
God is in serious business. He won't be trifled with. He avenges his foes. He stands up against his enemies, fierce and raging.
But God doesn't lose his temper! He's powerful, but it's a patient power!

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