A new day of outpouring of the Spirit
The Spirit is impressing on me very strongly these days that we are entering into a new day of outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The people of God will be refreshed and recharged with power to produce evidences of the resurrection of Jesus Christ like we read in the book of Acts the early believers did. At that time the apostles were testifying to the resurrection of Christ with great conviction and power, and there was great grace upon them all. Then God did some outstanding miracles to demonstrate that Jesus of Nazareth is alive and that he is the Messiah � the Christ of God.
We will see the same thing happen again! God will release his healing power among his people and the covenant community will be a healing centre. But we will not only see healings take place in an unusual way, we will experience the protective power of the blood of Christ in a new way to be able to live in health! It is greater to live in health and strength enjoying the blessing of God than to need healing and received it! It will be a powerful testimony to the world to see the covenant community live in health when the health is declining in the society in spite of the longer lifespan which is normal to expect today in our western world. The Christian lifestyle is a healthy one. But the Spirit-filled, - the Spirit-refreshed life, is even more healthy, restoring health to our entire being! In days ahead it will become more evident to the world that there is a segment of society that is displaying health and strength of life in a way that is astonishing to the outside people, even to the politicians and researchers alike.
This new day of outpouring of the Spirit will make the covenant community seethe with life. There will be a great variety of creative initiatives to reach the present generation with the gospel of the Kingdom. Ordinary people will confidently share the good news of the resurrection of our Lord with their friends and workmates and bring healing to the sick by the laying on of hands. New cell-groups will be formed everywhere in the neighbourhood, at schools, in universities, at workplaces etc. More than everything our homes will be the place of worship and evangelism. We will invite friends for meals and we will have all kinds of celebrations in our big houses or small flats where the presence of God will be manifest. People in great numbers will come to know the Lord as their Saviour and Healer! The word of the Lord will advance from house to house and we will see a great change take place in our housing estates and downtown areas of living.
The prophetic Spirit will be released among the people of God in a new way in these days of refreshing! Young believers will prophesy with great power and old believers will overflow with prophetic insight to further the gospel in this day of outpouring! The Spirit will lead some people to move to new places to open up new churches and wherever the go led by the Spirit they will succeed! These are adventurous days! These are exciting days! These are days of expansion. These are days of bold exploration! These are days of great harvest!
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