September 16, 2003

Visiting the family-church

Visiting the family-church
During the weekend Solveig and were visiting the family-church in Sandnes. We have been with these wonderful people before and it was great to see them again.
This church was started by Jon Arve and Gunn Bjørg Lunde about two years ago and they have already 10 cell-groups.
It is kind of a special feeling to me to be with this kind of a church at my "home-place" - the place that I had my up bringing but left more than forty years ago to preach the gospel. It feels very good to be back and to share the word of God with these god-loving people.
It is a very young church with a lot of young people reaching out to the younger generation. They are running aSaturdayy-bible-school with about 130 enrolled students from many different churches in the area. I was teaching them on how to interpret the Scriptures.
Sunday night they were having a worship service attended by 100 to 150 people. There was a strong sense of the presence of God and anopennesss to the ministry of the word of God.
I am fully convinced that the church will flourish and be a blessing to the whole area. I have a strong sense of a time of visitation for the whole region of Jæren and many people will come to know the Lord!

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