October 08, 2003

Team work

Team work
Today the apostolic team has been gathered at Gullboth for reporting, prayer and planning. We have had a very good time together and we are very much encouraged by the workings of the Spirit among the covenant people of God.
This coming weekend we are having an elders' conference. 110 elders and other leaders will come together to seek the guidance of the Lord for advancing the Kingdom of God in our culture and to other nations. There will be a focus on working together in team locally and translocally. We have discovered that team work is the way of God, as God is a community of love and none of the persons of the Godhead operate independently from one another, but always together in harmony and unity.
I believe that we still have very much to learn in this respect. Team work is a godly way to work as we are interdependent on one another and are meant to compliment each other. In team work we enlarge each other and make each other better!
The emergent churches that are caused be the Spirit to bud and sprout in these days are community churches led by a cohesive team of varied ministries working together. As we learn to work in teams we will become more effective and be able to more fully reflect the image of God in the way we live and work together.

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