October 03, 2003

Young leaders

Young leaders
This weekend 70 young leaders in their late teens and in the twenties are gathered together at Gullbotn. Knut Gudergod Osland is leading the whole weekend and this first night Arne G. Skagen was giving us the word of God through his speaking and ministries in the gift of the Holy Spirit.
I am very encouraged and blessed to be with such a group of dedicated young Christians on fire for God. Surely our nation has a wonderful future when there are so many young leaders on fire for Jesus Christ. Tonight many of them prophesied powerfully exhorting each other to live fully for the Lord and to follow in his footsteps.
The Lord was speaking on reaching the nations for God and not settle for small things. God is giving these young leaders great visions and they are dreaming big dreams of serving the purpose of God in their generation. Many of them will in days to come leave their hometown to go to new areas with the gospel of the Kingdom. Many of these young leaders will pioneer new works in our nation and in nations near and far off.
We spent some time praying for Denmark as one of the delegates is a Dane. It was a powerful time in the presence of God as we lifted that nation up to God. And God did speak about that nation as a nation he had put his hand on, a nation marked by the cross, a nation that once more should lift the cross and bring the message of reconciliation and peace to many people-groups. God is indeed preparing a great harvest in the nation of Denmark!

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