August 20, 2002

The Message Bible again

I am still excited with my new Message Bible. I have been reading the book of Isaiah, the master prophet and superb poet. While I have been reading and meditating on the Word I have had a fresh encounter with the God �who breathes life into earth�s people, makes them alive with his own life� (Isaiah 42:5). Again I have discovered that �God intended, out of the goodness of his heart to be lavish in his revelation� (Isaiah 42:21). In fact God is saying �Revelation flows from me, my decisions light up the world� (Isaiah 51:4). God is not holding back anything he is generous in his giving of light and life. �Out of myself, simply because of who I am, I do what I do� (Isaiah 48:11).
It is easy to get hold of the Bible from or

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