September 15, 2002

Without borders

The first day of the leader�s conference called without borders is over. It has been a very fulfilling experience to be together with men and women from all over the world with the same vision of the glorious unchanging King and his unshakable Kingdom. Everything that has been shared has been full of life in the Holy Spirit and every servant of God has been overflowing of the blessing of revelation and spiritual insight. The presence of God has been evident among us as well as the joy of covenant love among the community of God�s people.

At the very beginning the Lord spoke to me about throwing away all the crutches as God is wanting to teach us to walk without them, - in the Spirit. Yeah, not only walk but run faster than we can run � by the Spirit. So easily we lean on our own resources and human wisdom instead of being led by the Spirit. So easily we trust our own strength and mind only to limit ourselves to the natural instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to bring us into the supernatural realm of resurrection life. The only way forward is by learning to obey God in a new way through the Spirit! The key to a fulfilling life is to be quick to respond to the Holy Spirit in every situation. AMEN! So help me God!

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