June 13, 2003

Building people or building organisations?

Building people or building organisations?
When I talked with Leif Erik at the community pool the other day he said something that made me very grateful. He said: �There is a bright future for you and your co-workers and the way you are working in planting and nurturing churches, for you are building people not organisations!�
In humble thankfulness I felt good about what he said. It confirmed to me that �the name of the game is people� and that in some way that can be seen in the way our apostolic team function! It is all due to the grace and goodness of God towards us that we have been able to stay faithful to that fundamental focus on people to bring out the best in them. I am so grateful to God to be able to work with apostles like Keri Jones and Noralv Askeland. They have a special grace from God in causing people to work together complementing each other.
Here I am in Spain having a wonderful holiday, relaxing with my wife, and then the Lord reminds me of his goodness towards us at home in being able to work together with men of integrity and godly ambitions only. God is so good!

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