June 04, 2003

A tribute to Bryn Jones

A tribute to Bryn Jones
- my speech at the memorial service at Coventry Cathedral 3 June 2003

I am here today to bring a tribute to our beloved friend and apostle of Jesus Christ, Bryn Jones, on behalf of the nearly twenty related churches in Norway, and on behalf of his friend and fellow apostle Noralv Askeland, who wanted to be here today but took our advice to be with his younger daughter at her graduation in the States this very day. But more than anything else, I am here to bring my own tribute to this great servant of God, whom God used in such a wonderful way to enrich and enlarge my life.
Bryn came to Norway at a crucial time for me twenty-eight years ago � in 1975. He was sent by God to rescue me and to save my life. At that time I was hurt, disappointed, and confused. I was in great danger of going astray, but God used Bryn to transform my life and give me a new direction! When I first met him I was left with a feeling in my heart that this foreigner, this man of God, had something that I needed. From the very moment we met I was attracted to him. I was draw to him in my spirit. I felt joined to him. He became like a spiritual father to me and a dear friend. I loved him dearly! I am forever grateful to God for the great impact Bryn had upon my life. Let me share with you some of the reasons why I loved him so much:

Bryn Jones � a great man of God!
Bryn was great because of his love for God and his love for people
He was a God-worshipper and a people-carer
He loved to be in the presence of God and enjoyed the company of people
He found refreshment in meditating on the Word of God and fulfilment when he was able to bring a lost sheep home
I have seen him prostrate before God - And I have seen him boldly confronting men.
I have seen him standing tall as a giant, with is hands touching heaven through his prayers - And I have seen him bending down putting his arm around a sobbing sinner.
I have seen him filled with joy dancing like a wild ox on a platform - And I have seen him in great sadness because people went their own way
Oh � what a great man of God!

Bryn was great because of his investment in people
He looked at people from the perspective of their potentials and not their failures
Through encouragement and words of faith he brought out the best in us
He invested his time and interest in us; making us feel the most important in the world.
He could achieve much in a short time because he was very intense and extremely focused.
He was a master in asking questions to challenge our present thinking or way of doing things
After being with him we were left with new insights and appreciation of spiritual realities.
He was always reminding us that the name of the game is people!
In fact - his entire life was an investment in people
He invested a prophetic zeal for the Kingdom of God in those he met
That will continue to produce fruits - even in generations not yet born!
Oh � what a great man of God!
Bryn was great because he never settled in his quest for the truth
His entire life was an pilgrimage towards the city whose builder and architect is God
He was never afraid of new ideas but loved to blaze new trails
He provoked me to deep thinking and careful study of the Scripture
His open-mindedness was unique � sometimes frightening
But he helped us all to a broader understanding of spiritual truths
And a deeper appreciation of the teaching of the Bible
His prophetic preaching opened new horizons, brought new perspectives and deeper spiritual insights.
He has left with us a rich inheritance of spiritual knowledge and understanding!
He stirred our hearts, enlarged our faith, and motivated us for action!
Oh � what a great man of God!
Bryn was great because he was so human
He was not a high-flying-charismatic-superstar
He was a Welch-man, down to earth and close to people
He was approachable and reachable, he was one of us!
What he lacked in length or tallness he compensated in wideness and broadness!
He loved to have a meal with friends and seemed to hate exercising
He was not one of these slick and slim men of a fitness advertisement
He was human � an ordinary man � in the best sense!
Oh � what a great man of God!
Bryn was great because he was a warrior
He was a warrior of the Lord zealous for the Kingdom of God and the people of God
He was at war with denominationalism and sectarianism, as well as legalism and externalism
He worked hard to present the church to God - glorious and radiant
He was at war with hypocrisy and bigotry
As he walked in frankness, honesty, and integrity
He was at war with racism, sexism, and injustice
He fought for human dignity, equality, and liberty
He was at war against human sufferings of all kinds
And he was compassionate about bringing relief to people in distress
Oh � what a great man of God!
Bryn was great because he was a true friend
He was always genuinely interested in me and my family and our welfare
He involved himself as a faithful friend in our lives through words of encouragement and valid criticism
His heartfelt counsel was sweet as healing ointment
Through Bryn I was introduced to my best friends in life
And he rejoiced when new relationships were formed and new friendship developed for me
Oh � what a great man of God!

We will continue to give God thanks because of his life and we will cherish his blessed memory as we follow in his footsteps pursuing God!

From the heart of Erling Thu

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